
Contact us

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Postal address:
Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)
P.O. Box 9758 Ahmadi
61008 Ahmadi, Kuwait
Telephone No. 00965 - 23989111
Fax No. 00965 – 23983661

kuwait towers

London Office

Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.)

KPC House
54 Pall Mall
London, SW1Y 5JH
Great Britain
Attention: Head of London Office
Phone: 0044 - 20 7451 4700
Fax: 0044 - 17 8441 9257

About Kuwait Oil Company

Kuwait Oil Company has the important and privileged responsibility of providing energy to the world. Since 1934, our mission has been to explore, develop and produce Kuwait’s hydrocarbon resources. However, our job doesn’t just stop there. At KOC, we believe we can produce Kuwait’s most important resource in a way that is both economically viable and environmentally sound.

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