
Ahmadi Hospital celebrates World Children's Day

Under the patronage of DCEO Admin Qusai Al-Amer, the World Children Day celebration was held at Ahmadi Hospital (Children's Outpatient Clinic), organized by the Medical Group represented by the Admin. & Career Development Team, with the aim of raising awareness on a number of children's health fields.


The event was attended by Manager Medical Group Dr. Emad Al-Awadh as the representative of the sponsor of the ceremony, Chief Medical Support Services Officer Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmi, and Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Saud Al-Ajmi, Chief Corporate Support Mohammad Al-Khamees, in addition to a number of concerned Team Leaders, doctors, and nurses.


Many departments in the Medical Group participated in the event, including Social Services, Nursing, Paramedics, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Preventive Medicine Services, Nutrition, Dentistry, Developmental Medicine, and Pediatrics; in addition to the Health Promotion Department at the Ministry of Health, with the participation of Ahmadi schools. Samples and educational pamphlets were presented to the attendees, and gifts were distributed to patients in the pediatric ward


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